Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Living like a rockstar at the Planet Hostel, Warsaw, Poland

After several discussions with other hostellers regarding the hottest place to spend this year’s New Year’s Eve, many whom were willing to spend 44 Euros a night for a bed (which ordinarily cost nothing more than 9 Euros) in order to celebrate the beginning of 2015 in the city of Berlin, Germany, for which the rumours were that it was THE place to party, and others whom were equally convinced that THE party of the year was to be found in Prague, Czech Republic (where the prices for hostels also climbed to 35 Euros a night), and whom were  therefore leaving Berlin in haste on busses, trains and planes in order to get to what they believed to be the party of the year.

I, on the other hand, decided for another destination: Warsaw, Poland! When I mentioned my destination for New Year’s, I could literally see a big “?” on their faces. Nonetheless, I stuck with my decision, something which I will never regret!

Last-minute travel arrangements were made, and I was set to roll out of Berlin on a Simple Exress Bus late on the 30th of December, in order to spend the night, not in a dorm bed, but on a bus, for the grand price of 25 Euros! The busses in Europe is an alternative way to travel in comfort, as most of the bus companies offer wifi, and in this case there were also screens for every seat, where the choices of movies seemed endless; should you be in the mood to play sudoku all night on the bus (which was the case for me) then that option was also available. This has become my favorite way to travel in Europe, as it presents opportunities to be on a very long “sightseeing” trip, taking you through towns one didn’t even knew existed; better yet, for someone like me who like to travel with a bag no bigger than a piece of carry-on luggage, (in case a last minute flight has to be arranged, while no time to check in big luggage) I don't have to worry about transferring lotions, soaps and shampoo into tiny bottles, only to have to leave behind the rest of such toiletries, as it is not allowed in air flight carry-on luggage, thereby able to buy all the good stuff at a lesser price in certain countries, and actually being able to take it with me back to my home country. 
Once in Poland, it is obvious that all the conveniences for a traveler is present: Hadn’t had time to exchange the currency to Zloty before leaving for Poland? No worries! Once let off the bus at the Centralny at 6 o’clock in the morning, a central station as modern as any central station, equipped with a McDonald’s, open 24 hours (free WiFi included with the egg McMuffin) and an exchange office willing to exchange your Danish Crowns, Euros, Dollars to Polish Zloty all you can do is smile and think yourself: Witamy w Polsce!

As always, I randomly chose a hostel. This time I chose Planet Hostel, a choice which proved to be as satisfying as that moment when you realize in a bingo hall that it is your turn to scream just that...B.I.N.G.O!

If you are planning to visit Warsaw, whether you travel on your own, are a family with small children, or traveling in a young hipster group, this is the hostel for you! Why? Well, I am about to tell you: As a smaller hostel, it is quiet, yet vibrant; it is quaint...yet, it promotes the outmost sense of contemporary fashion style as any modern boutique hotel would be able to offer. Located in a modest part of Warsaw and it may be a little difficult to find as there is no big sign hanging in front of the entrance; and if you fail to ask the portier how to get to the right floor of the hostel, you will (just as I did, as well as other hostellers did, I'm sure) ride the elevator up and down...and up again while trying to reach the hostel entrance, only to be met by abandoned floors...only to realize that the the elevator doesn’t stop on the floor where the Planet Hostel can be found! No, the only way to get to the right floor is to walk a few stairs.

Planet Hostel has everything which one would want a hostel to offer: Free WiFi, continental breakfast included in the price and complimentary coffee and tea all day, available in the common area/kitchen, where own meals can be prepared (if that is preferred as opposed to trying the Polish cuisine), and where also a large flat screen TV with complimentary dvd’s are available, it is, definitely, a place where anyone can feel right at home!
The hostel offers both the standard dorms in fashionable style, but also private apartments. Not to mention that the bathrooms are as accommodating as the ones one would find in an upscale traditional hotel. The “maid service” was carried out by a spunky Polish woman resembling more a fashionable rockstar than cleaning personnel, and combined with the young professional reception staff, it just added to the upscale boutique-hostel ambiance…

Time to rate:

  • Was the location appropriate: Although a little ways out of centrum of Warsaw, it is only a brisk walk away from all the attractions. And, should touring Warsaw by foot not be desirable, then the tram is, literally right outside the entrance of the hostel.
  • Overall hostel-level: "hipster", "top-notch boutique-hotel", as well as "fit-for-all-ho(s)tel-bookers".
  • Would I let my children stay here: I would let my own children stay here...as well as my friends' children...as well as the children of persons I don't even know...heck, I would even encourage the children of my enemies (if I actually had any enemies) to stay here (if you know what I mean!)
  • Would I bring my mother: yes...I would feel safe to say that even she would feel satisfied by the service of this hostel...if anyone could convince her that the days of communism is a thing of the past, and that Poland is becoming the "go-to" country for anyone looking for a sweet spot to spend their holidays...
  • Low-points of the hostel: that not everyone knows about this fantastic little hostel!
  • High points of the hostel: that not everyone knows about this fantastic little hostel!
  • For s(h)e who has tried everything in life: if you are looking to escape a hectic life for a few days without compromising living in style...then yes, stay at the Planet Hostel!
For more information about Planet Hostel, follow this link: http://planethostel.eu/



(Currently barking about Warsaw from Prague)

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